Baby Check App

Working with The Lullaby Trust & NHS Birmingham Trusts to deliver an application that helps new parents quickly check symptoms.

Why we were engaged?

The culmination of a four-year project focused on analyzing the symptoms of illness in 1,000 babies below the age of six months, the Lullaby Baby Trust Check studied 700 babies in the hospital, in addition to 300 babies living healthily at home, to identify symptom trends and the path beyond this.

Working between the charity partner and the NHS Birmingham Trust,  We were engaged as the technology partner to realise the 4-year long research piece’s findings to a mobile application.

What did we build?

The Lullaby Trust Baby Check contains 19 simple checks which test for different symptoms or signs of illness. The checks give the new parent an understanding of how ill the newborn child is likely to be. This information can then be used to define the best next step for worried parents.

Built on iOS & Android, the app has been downloaded tens of thousands of times and is recommended by consultants to new parents.